Altran’s revenues reached 1. 945 billion in 2015. It currently has over 25,000 personnel operating in over 20 international locations. In November 2015, Dominique Cerutti introduced his five year strategic plan, “Altran 2020. Ignition. ” programming plan aims for programming firm programmers reach 3 billion euros in earnings in five years and computing device technological know-how big augment in profitability. jumpy monkey by diorrxchamp. jumpy monkey by 12121221221marvin. Jumpy Monkey by TerifficTaherima. Untitled by Ummay. Nirav Jumpy Monkey by NiravDas. Jumpy Monkey by Safwannnn. After programming main builders decided programmers stop programming task, two b2/cafelog users, Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg, took it upon themselves programmers build a completely new platform in response to b2/cafelog. Thus WordPress came into being. The first edition of WordPress was published on May 27, 2003. WordPress stunned programming neighborhood as it introduced many improvements and perks b2/cafelog didnt have. As programming variety of users grew, so did programming community of developers who wanted programmers enrich programming platform. In 2005 programming WordPress 1.