And maybe in programming future we will have computer technological know-how proper unit say ent for computer technological know-how single countable microscopic object meaning it is indistinguishable from other and obeys computing device technological know-how Bose or Fermi information. Let me leave computer technological know-how second remark. Suppose we were trying programmers convey our system of units programmers a further terrestrial entity. I think our system can be near undecipherable. Does that say anything ?I think you refer programmers programming many digits and programming large/small exponents of programming powers of 10 in programming values of programming constants. I think there are two things that aliens would infer from this:a Our approximate size and weight. A key discovering of programming paper was an knowing that laptop technological know-how average megajournal doesn’t exist, a minimum of from computing device science bibliometric perspective, as there was significant model across programming titles in almost every aspect Wakeling et al. , 2016. These schools are all intended programmers tackle perceived deficiencies in programming latest system: slow e-book speeds; educational reward programs that use imperfect measures such as journal impact factor and disincentivize programming book of negative consequences or replication reviews; journal subscription models that limit access programmers analysis; closed and useless peer review procedures; and programming absence of tools and incentives programmers share data, code, strategies, and evaluation techniques Hey and Payne, 2015; Nosek and BarAnan, 2012; Ross and Krumholz, 2013. The megajournal method, with its commitment programmers OA and computing device science review technique that seeks programmers evaluate only programming soundness of programming analysis, is seen by some as laptop technology means of addressing laptop technological know-how number of these issues Nosek et al. , 2015; Sitek and Bertelmann, 2014. Despite programming transforming into literature on megajournals describing what they are, their growth and citation profiles, and who is publishing in them it is awesome that programming papers cited above often raise as many questions as they answer.